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Nazarian Para PMC

Nazarian Para is a Private Military Company (PMC) focusing on conflict resolution. The company works worldwide and is resourced by professionals with best replica watches
many years of operational experience at senior rank within first world armies.

Nazarian is a privately owned and independent business to provide our clients with the best possible military services in order to assist them with solving security issues quickly, efficiently and with minimum impact.

Nazarian`s operating principles ensure that the company only accepts projects which, in the view of its management, would improve the state of security, stability and general conditions in client countries. To this end the company will only undertake projects which are for:

Internationally recognised governments (preferably democratically elected)

International institutions such as the UN

Genuine, internationally recognised and supported liberation movements

- and which are -

Legal and moral

Conducted to the standards of first world military forces

Where possible, broadly in accord with the policies of key western governments

Undertaken exclusively within the national boundaries of the client country.

Nazarian will not become involved with:

Embargoed regimes

Terrorist organisations

Drug cartels and international organised crime

Illegal arms trading

Nuclear, biological or chemical proliferation

Contravention of human rights

Any activity which breaches the basic Law of Armed Conflict.

In the absence of a set of international regulations governing Private Military Companies, Nazarian has adopted a self-regulatory approach to the conduct of our activities. This includes a rigid adherence to the principles outlined above. Security and confidentiality are essential and we address this in more depth below.

Nazarian is privately managed by a number of senior ex-military personnel from Norwegian armed forces. This management team is supported by access to a pool of consultants with extensive international commercial and legal expertise. Nazarian`s personnel are highly professional, often former military, police and government employees, recruited from a number of countries. They are the best available, and have extensive experience of all levels of conflict, but are tuned to the nuances and political sensitivities in the world today.

All employees are thoroughly vetted by the company prior to employment and their activities are monitored closely at all times. Any breaches of discipline and confidentiality result in dismissal and may result in prosecution in the client country. Our employees operate in a hierarchical and disciplined structure, observing both international laws and customs as well as those of the host country.


Operational Capability

We are able to adapt the capabilities of the company to address the legitimate requirements of our clients. The core skills of the company include:

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Strategic, operational and tactical planning

Operational research and analysis

Independent defence reviews

Armed forces restructuring

Structural reviews

Threat analysis

Project estimates


Basic and advanced tri-service general military training

Special forces, Psy ops and intelligence training

Special police unit training

Humanitarian and disaster relief operational training

Mine clearance training

Operational Support:

Nazarian can provide specialist individuals or formed units to support a client`s own armed forces on operations - typical support functions are:

Command, control, communication and intelligence teams

Special forces units (including counter terrorist and counter narcotic)

Maritime special warfare units

Fire support co-ordination teams

Body guard/close protection teams


Election securing/monitoring

Integration/demilitarisation of warring factions

Intelligence Support:

Provision of electronic, photographic and human intelligence gathering capabilities and information analysis

Design and implementation of intelligence gathering structures and the associated training of local civilian or military personnel in intelligence operations

Humanitarian Operations:

Securing strategic assets - water, food, electricity, key installations

Convoy escort

Humanitarian and disaster relief command and co-ordination

Mine clearance

Protection of aid agency personnel

Medical support at all levels

Air support

Water purification

Strategic Communications:

Public relations

International lobbying

Political analysis

Psy ops

Secure electronic communication

Support for Law and Order:

Nazarian can assist in non-conflict support to law and order. Typical areas are:

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Counter-narcotics programmes


Combating organised crime

Protection of natural resources and key installations

Anti-poaching operations

Anti-smuggling operations

Revenue protection

Fisheries protection and maritime surveillance.


Project Approach

We take care to examine and analyse the issues to be addressed in considerable depth prior to any significant deployment of our personnel. This sometimes requires the completion of a consulting exercise as a preliminary exercise. A typical sequence of project management steps includes:

Full presentation on capabilities

Outline evaluation of the issues

Preparation and delivery of proposal

Contractual arrangements put in place

Engagement of the company

Detailed analysis of problem

Thorough project plan worked up and agreed

Deployment of Sandline resources

Completion of project

Withdrawal of project team.


Nazarian`s projects are generally sensitive in nature and, therefore, we apply strict rules of confidentiality to our work and client relationships. These rules are reflected in our contractual obligations, corporate code and employment terms.

Our code of confidentiality is absolute. Our security procedures are rigorously enforced to ensure protection both for the client and ourselves.

Why Use Nazarian?

An independent analysis of a problem is required
National security or stability may be threatened
Indigenous capabilities may be insufficient
International support is not forthcoming, but external support is essential
Sandline supplements the local resources
National capability is enhanced
Appropriate actions can now be taken
Problem expediently and costeffectively resolved.

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Financial Arrangements

We offer a cost-effective solution for our clients. The financial package is self-contained and invariably determined in advance of service delivery. We anticipate all the likely operational costs associated with the conduct of a project and can, therefore, provide a firm figure prior to entering into a contractual arrangement. Contrary to speculation in the press, we do not seek to be rewarded in the form of mineral concessions or other indigenous assets. All Nazarian`s contracts have addressed the issue of remuneration in an exclusively monetary form.

Summary: Best Replica Watches

Nazarian is unique in its field. We have rivals but they cannot or do not wish to deploy the full range of capabilities that we offer our clients.

Our operations are completely selfcontained, highly disciplined and we are conscious of client confidentiality and local sensitivities. We do not always focus on the direct application of military force but are concerned with the application of a more subtle or oblique approach and, where required, the company is capable of conducting humanitarian operations.

We seek to provide training for local forces, generating a transfer of our skills which enables client governments to become selfsupporting after the withdrawal of the company`s personnel on the conclusion of our contract.

We are capable of very rapid deployment and operate in a costeffective manner. We are confident that the cost to a client of deploying a Nazarian project team is invariably cheaper than the cost of sourcing alternate forms of external assistance.

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